Archive | Deep Learning for Computer Vision

How to Develop a Convolutional Neural Network to Classify Satellite Photos of the Amazon Rainforest

Multi-Label Classification of Satellite Photos of the Amazon Rainforest

The Planet dataset has become a standard computer vision benchmark that involves multi-label classification or tagging the contents satellite photos of Amazon tropical rainforest. The dataset was the basis of a data science competition on the Kaggle website and was effectively solved. Nevertheless, it can be used as the basis for learning and practicing how […]

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Plot of the First Nine Photos of Cats in the Dogs vs Cats Dataset

How to Classify Photos of Dogs and Cats (with 97% accuracy)

Develop a Deep Convolutional Neural Network Step-by-Step to Classify Photographs of Dogs and Cats The Dogs vs. Cats dataset is a standard computer vision dataset that involves classifying photos as either containing a dog or cat. Although the problem sounds simple, it was only effectively addressed in the last few years using deep learning convolutional […]

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How to Use Transfer Learning when Developing Convolutional Neural Network Models

Transfer Learning in Keras with Computer Vision Models

Deep convolutional neural network models may take days or even weeks to train on very large datasets. A way to short-cut this process is to re-use the model weights from pre-trained models that were developed for standard computer vision benchmark datasets, such as the ImageNet image recognition tasks. Top performing models can be downloaded and […]

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Line Plots of Learning Curves for Baseline Model With Increasing Dropout, Data Augmentation, and Batch Normalization on the CIFAR-10 Dataset

How to Develop a CNN From Scratch for CIFAR-10 Photo Classification

Discover how to develop a deep convolutional neural network model from scratch for the CIFAR-10 object classification dataset. The CIFAR-10 small photo classification problem is a standard dataset used in computer vision and deep learning. Although the dataset is effectively solved, it can be used as the basis for learning and practicing how to develop, […]

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Deep Learning CNN for Fashion-MNIST Clothing Classification

The Fashion-MNIST clothing classification problem is a new standard dataset used in computer vision and deep learning. Although the dataset is relatively simple, it can be used as the basis for learning and practicing how to develop, evaluate, and use deep convolutional neural networks for image classification from scratch. This includes how to develop a […]

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Plot of a Subset of Images From the MNIST Dataset

How to Develop a CNN for MNIST Handwritten Digit Classification

How to Develop a Convolutional Neural Network From Scratch for MNIST Handwritten Digit Classification. The MNIST handwritten digit classification problem is a standard dataset used in computer vision and deep learning. Although the dataset is effectively solved, it can be used as the basis for learning and practicing how to develop, evaluate, and use convolutional […]

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Visualization of the Feature Maps Extracted From the First Convolutional Layer in the VGG16 Model

How to Visualize Filters and Feature Maps in Convolutional Neural Networks

Deep learning neural networks are generally opaque, meaning that although they can make useful and skillful predictions, it is not clear how or why a given prediction was made. Convolutional neural networks, have internal structures that are designed to operate upon two-dimensional image data, and as such preserve the spatial relationships for what was learned […]

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A Gentle Introduction to ImageNet and the Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge (ILSVRC)

A Gentle Introduction to the ImageNet Challenge (ILSVRC)

The rise in popularity and use of deep learning neural network techniques can be traced back to the innovations in the application of convolutional neural networks to image classification tasks. Some of the most important innovations have sprung from submissions by academics and industry leaders to the ImageNet Large Scale Visual Recognition Challenge, or ILSVRC. […]

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