How Machine Learning Algorithms Work

How Machine Learning Algorithms Work (they learn a mapping of input to output)

How do machine learning algorithms work? There is a common principle that underlies all supervised machine learning algorithms for predictive modeling. In this post you will discover how machine learning algorithms actually work by understanding the common principle that underlies all algorithms. Le’s get started. Let’s get started. Learning a Function Machine learning algorithms are […]

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Machine Learning Tools

R Machine Learning Mini-Course

From Developer to Machine Learning Practitioner in 14 Days In this mini-course you will discover how you can get started, build accurate models and confidently complete predictive modeling machine learning projects using R in 14 days. This is a big and important post. You might want to bookmark it. Let’s get started. Who Is This […]

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Machine Learning Evaluation Metrics in R

Machine Learning Evaluation Metrics in R

What metrics can you use to evaluate your machine learning algorithms? In this post you will discover how you can evaluate your machine learning algorithms in R using a number of standard evaluation metrics. Let’s get started. Model Evaluation Metrics in R There are many different metrics that you can use to evaluate your machine […]

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Machine Learning Project Template in R

Machine Learning Project Template in R

Applied machine learning is an empirical skill. You cannot get better at it by reading books and blog posts. You have to practice. In this post, you will discover the simple 6-step machine learning project template that you can use to jump-start your project in R. Let’s get started. Practice Machine Learning With End-to-End Projects […]

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