Search results for "MinMaxScaler"

Radius Neighbors Classifier Algorithm With Python

Radius Neighbors Classifier Algorithm With Python

Radius Neighbors Classifier is a classification machine learning algorithm. It is an extension to the k-nearest neighbors algorithm that makes predictions using all examples in the radius of a new example rather than the k-closest neighbors. As such, the radius-based approach to selecting neighbors is more appropriate for sparse data, preventing examples that are far […]

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Line Plot of Accuracy vs. Hill Climb Optimization Iteration for the Diabetes Dataset

How to Hill Climb the Test Set for Machine Learning

Hill climbing the test set is an approach to achieving good or perfect predictions on a machine learning competition without touching the training set or even developing a predictive model. As an approach to machine learning competitions, it is rightfully frowned upon, and most competition platforms impose limitations to prevent it, which is important. Nevertheless, […]

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Histogram of Each Variable in the Diabetes Classification Dataset

How to Selectively Scale Numerical Input Variables for Machine Learning

Many machine learning models perform better when input variables are carefully transformed or scaled prior to modeling. It is convenient, and therefore common, to apply the same data transforms, such as standardization and normalization, equally to all input variables. This can achieve good results on many problems. Nevertheless, better results may be achieved by carefully […]

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Histogram of Skewed Gaussian Data After Power Transform

How to Use Power Transforms for Machine Learning

Machine learning algorithms like Linear Regression and Gaussian Naive Bayes assume the numerical variables have a Gaussian probability distribution. Your data may not have a Gaussian distribution and instead may have a Gaussian-like distribution (e.g. nearly Gaussian but with outliers or a skew) or a totally different distribution (e.g. exponential). As such, you may be […]

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