Search results for "language model"

Mini-Course on Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks with Keras

Mini-Course on Long Short-Term Memory Recurrent Neural Networks with Keras

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) recurrent neural networks are one of the most interesting types of deep learning at the moment. They have been used to demonstrate world-class results in complex problem domains such as language translation, automatic image captioning, and text generation. LSTMs are different to multilayer Perceptrons and convolutional neural networks in that they […]

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Comparison of Adam to Other Optimization Algorithms Training a Multilayer Perceptron

Gentle Introduction to the Adam Optimization Algorithm for Deep Learning

The choice of optimization algorithm for your deep learning model can mean the difference between good results in minutes, hours, and days. The Adam optimization algorithm is an extension to stochastic gradient descent that has recently seen broader adoption for deep learning applications in computer vision and natural language processing. In this post, you will […]

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How to Prepare Sequence Prediction for Truncated Backpropagation Through Time in Keras

How to Prepare Sequence Prediction for Truncated BPTT in Keras

Recurrent neural networks are able to learn the temporal dependence across multiple timesteps in sequence prediction problems. Modern recurrent neural networks like the Long Short-Term Memory, or LSTM, network are trained with a variation of the Backpropagation algorithm called Backpropagation Through Time. This algorithm has been modified further for efficiency on sequence prediction problems with […]

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How to Use Statistical Significance Tests to Interpret Machine Learning Results

How to Use Statistical Significance Tests to Interpret Machine Learning Results

It is good practice to gather a population of results when comparing two different machine learning algorithms or when comparing the same algorithm with different configurations. Repeating each experimental run 30 or more times gives you a population of results from which you can calculate the mean expected performance, given the stochastic nature of most […]

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Time Series Forecasting with Python 7-Day Mini-Course
Photo by Raquel M, some rights reserved.

Time Series Forecasting with Python 7-Day Mini-Course

From Developer to Time Series Forecaster in 7 Days. Python is one of the fastest-growing platforms for applied machine learning. In this mini-course, you will discover how you can get started, build accurate models and confidently complete predictive modeling time series forecasting projects using Python in 7 days. This is a big and important post. […]

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How to Get Started with Kaggle

How to Get Started with Kaggle

4-Step Process for Getting Started and Getting Good at Competitive Machine Learning. Kaggle is a community and site for hosting machine learning competitions. Competitive machine learning can be a great way to develop and practice your skills, as well as demonstrate your capabilities. In this post, you will discover a simple 4-step process to get […]

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Python Environment for Time Series Forecasting

Python Environment for Time Series Forecasting

The Python ecosystem is growing and may become the dominant platform for applied machine learning. The primary rationale for adopting Python for time series forecasting is because it is a general-purpose programming language that you can use both for R&D and in production. In this post, you will discover the Python ecosystem for time series […]

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