Search results for "Programming Machine Learning"

First Experiment

Design and Run your First Experiment in Weka

Weka is the perfect platform for learning machine learning. It provides a graphical user interface for exploring and experimenting with machine learning algorithms on datasets, without you having to worry about the mathematics or the programming. A powerful feature of Weka is the Weka Experimenter interface. Unlike the Weka Explorer that is for filtering data […]

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Weka Results for the ZeroR algorithm on the Iris flower dataset

How to Run Your First Classifier in Weka

Weka makes learning applied machine learning easy, efficient, and fun. It is a GUI tool that allows you to load datasets, run algorithms and design and run experiments with results statistically robust enough to publish. I recommend Weka to beginners in machine learning because it lets them focus on learning the process of applied machine learning rather […]

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Hello, my name is Jason Brownlee, PhD. I’m a father, husband, professional developer, and machine learning practitioner. I have a Masters and PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence and I’ve worked on machine learning systems for defense, startups, and severe weather forecasting. I started this community for two main reasons: 1) Because I find machine learning […]

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