Archive | Start Machine Learning

Practice Practice Practice

Practice Machine Learning with Datasets from the UCI Machine Learning Repository

Where can you get good datasets to practice machine learning? Datasets that are real-world so that they are interesting and relevant, although small enough for you to review in Excel and work through on your desktop. In this post you will discover a database of high-quality, real-world, and well understood machine learning datasets that you […]

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Machine Learning Frustration

Machine Learning for Developers

How Do I Get Started In Machine Learning? I’m a developer. I have read a book or some posts on machine learning. I have watched some of the Coursera machine learning course. I still don’t know how to get started… Does this sound familiar? The most common question I’m asked by developers on my newsletter is: How do […]

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How to become a data scientist

How to Become a Data Scientist

How do you become a data scientist? I think that really depends on where you are now and what you really want to do as a data scientist. Nevertheless, DataCamp posted an infographic recently that described 8 easy steps to becoming a data scientist. In this post I want to highlight and review DataCamp’s infographic. […]

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