Search results for "regression"

binary classification

Linear Classification in R

In this post you will discover recipes for 3 linear classification algorithms in R. All recipes in this post use the iris flowers dataset provided with R in the datasets package. The dataset describes the measurements if iris flowers and requires classification of each observation to one of three flower species. Let’s get started. Logistic […]

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Passenger Fate by Traveling Class

Applied Machine Learning Lessons from A Case Study of Passenger Survival Prediction

A valuable exercise when learning and practicing machine learning is to study how others apply methods and solve problems. It’s valuable because you can learn about new processes, software, graphs, and algorithms. But it is new ways of thinking about the process of solving problems with machine learning that is the most valuable part of […]

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RapidMiner Screenshot

Java Machine Learning

Are you a Java programmer and looking to get started or practice machine learning? Writing programs that make use of machine learning is the best way to learn machine learning. You can write the algorithms yourself from scratch, but you can make a lot more progress if you leverage an existing open source library. In […]

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applied predictive modeling

Books for Machine Learning with R

R is a powerful platform for data analysis and machine learning. It is my main workhorse for things like competitions and consulting work. The reason is the large amounts of powerful algorithms available, all on the one platform. In this post I want to point out some resources you can use to get started in […]

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machine learning a probabilistic approach

Practical Advice for Getting Started in Machine Learning

David Mimno is an assistant professor in the Information Sciences department at Cornell University. He has a background and interest in Natural Language Processing (NLP), specifically topic modeling. Notably, he is the chief maintainer of MALLET, the Java-based NLP library. I recently came across a blog post by David titled “Advice for students of machine […]

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