Search results for "Recurrent Neural Network"

The Promise of Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting

The Promise of Recurrent Neural Networks for Time Series Forecasting

Recurrent neural networks are a type of neural network that add the explicit handling of order in input observations. This capability suggests that the promise of recurrent neural networks is to learn the temporal context of input sequences in order to make better predictions. That is, that the suite of lagged observations required to make […]

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How to Learn to Add Numbers with seq2seq Recurrent Neural Networks

Learn to Add Numbers with an Encoder-Decoder LSTM Recurrent Neural Network

Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) networks are a type of Recurrent Neural Network (RNN) that are capable of learning the relationships between elements in an input sequence. A good demonstration of LSTMs is to learn how to combine multiple terms together using a mathematical operation like a sum and outputting the result of the calculation. A […]

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Text Generation With LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Python with Keras

Text Generation With LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Python with Keras

Recurrent neural networks can also be used as generative models. This means that in addition to being used for predictive models (making predictions), they can learn the sequences of a problem and then generate entirely new plausible sequences for the problem domain. Generative models like this are useful not only to study how well a […]

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Understanding Stateful LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Python with Keras

Understanding Stateful LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Python with Keras

A powerful and popular recurrent neural network is the long short-term model network or LSTM. It is widely used because the architecture overcomes the vanishing and exposing gradient problem that plagues all recurrent neural networks, allowing very large and very deep networks to be created. Like other recurrent neural networks, LSTM networks maintain state, and […]

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Sequence Classification with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Python with Keras

Sequence Classification with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Python with Keras

Sequence classification is a predictive modeling problem where you have some sequence of inputs over space or time, and the task is to predict a category for the sequence. This problem is difficult because the sequences can vary in length, comprise a very large vocabulary of input symbols, and may require the model to learn […]

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Time Series Prediction with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Python with Keras

Time Series Prediction with LSTM Recurrent Neural Networks in Python with Keras

Time series prediction problems are a difficult type of predictive modeling problem. Unlike regression predictive modeling, time series also adds the complexity of a sequence dependence among the input variables. A powerful type of neural network designed to handle sequence dependence is called a recurrent neural network. The Long Short-Term Memory network or LSTM network […]

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Crash Course in Recurrent Neural Networks for Deep Learning

Crash Course in Recurrent Neural Networks for Deep Learning

Another type of neural network is dominating difficult machine learning problems involving sequences of inputs: recurrent neural networks. Recurrent neural networks have connections that have loops, adding feedback and memory to the networks over time. This memory allows this type of network to learn and generalize across sequences of inputs rather than individual patterns. A […]

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Building Transformer Models with Attention Crash Course. Build a Neural Machine Translator in 12 Days

Transformer is a recent breakthrough in neural machine translation. Natural languages are complicated. A word in one language can be translated into multiple words in another, depending on the context. But what exactly a context is, and how you can teach the computer to understand the context was a big problem to solve. The invention […]

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Scatter Plot of Binary Classification Dataset with 1 to 100 Class Imbalance

How to Develop a Cost-Sensitive Neural Network for Imbalanced Classification

Deep learning neural networks are a flexible class of machine learning algorithms that perform well on a wide range of problems. Neural networks are trained using the backpropagation of error algorithm that involves calculating errors made by the model on the training dataset and updating the model weights in proportion to those errors. The limitation […]

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