Search results for "Machine Learning"

Take Your Machine Learning Skills Global

Sponsored Post In our interconnected world, a decision made thousands of miles away can have lasting consequences for entire organizations or economies. When small changes have big effects, it is unsurprising that companies and governments are turning to machine learning and AI to accurately predict risk. ​ How the Global Community is Applying Machine Learning […]

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Calculus for Machine Learning (7-day mini-course)

Calculus for Machine Learning Crash Course. Get familiar with the calculus techniques in machine learning in 7 days. Calculus is an important mathematics technique behind many machine learning algorithms. You don’t always need to know it to use the algorithms. When you go deeper, you will see it is ubiquitous in every discussion on the […]

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Calculus for Machine Learning

Calculus for Machine Learning Understanding the Language of Mathematics …why calculus? We are not mathematicians! Calculus is a sub-field of mathematics concerned with very small values. It can tell us what happens when we take a small step in one direction or another. It is a perfect tool to describe the progress of how machines […]

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Optimization for Machine Learning Crash Course

Optimization for Machine Learning Crash Course. Find function optima with Python in 7 days. All machine learning models involve optimization. As a practitioner, we optimize for the most suitable hyperparameters or the subset of features. Decision tree algorithm optimize for the split. Neural network optimize for the weight. Most likely, we use computational algorithms to […]

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Optimization for Machine Learning

Optimization for Machine Learning Finding Function Optima with Python …so What is Function Optimization? Function optimization is to find the maximum or minimum value of a function. The function may have any structure as long as it produces numerical values. If we got a function as a blackbox how can we find its maximum or […]

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