Search results for "Data Science"

How a Student Used Tutorials to Get a Machine Learning Internship and a Job on a Data Science Team

How Álvaro Lemos got a Machine Learning Internship on a Data Science Team

Stories of how students and developers get started in applied machine learning are an inspiration. In this post, you will hear about Álvaro Lemos story and his transition from student to getting a machine learning internship. Including: How interest in genetic algorithms lead to the discovery of neural networks and the broader field of machine learning. How […]

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Finding Value with Data: The Cohesive Force Behind Luxury Real Estate Decisions

The real estate industry is a vast network of stakeholders including agents, homeowners, investors, developers, municipal planners, and tech innovators, each bringing unique perspectives and objectives to the table. Within this intricate ecosystem, data emerges as the critical element that binds these diverse interests together, facilitating collaboration and innovation. PropTech, or Property Technology, illustrates this […]

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Skewness Be Gone: Transformative Tricks for Data Scientists

Data transformations enable data scientists to refine, normalize, and standardize raw data into a format ripe for analysis. These transformations are not merely procedural steps; they are essential in mitigating biases, handling skewed distributions, and enhancing the robustness of statistical models. This post will primarily focus on how to address skewed data. By focusing on […]

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Harmonizing Data: A Symphony of Segmenting, Concatenating, Pivoting, and Merging

In the world of data science, where raw information swirls in a cacophony of numbers and variables, lies the art of harmonizing data. Like a maestro conducting a symphony, the skilled data scientist orchestrates the disparate elements of datasets, weaving them together into a harmonious composition of insights. Welcome to a journey where data transcends […]

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Beyond SQL: Transforming Real Estate Data into Actionable Insights with Pandas

In the realm of data analysis, SQL stands as a mighty tool, renowned for its robust capabilities in managing and querying databases. However, Python’s pandas library brings SQL-like functionalities to the fingertips of analysts and data scientists, enabling sophisticated data manipulation and analysis without the need for a traditional SQL database. This exploration delves into […]

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Feature Relationships 101: Lessons from the Ames Housing Data

In the realm of real estate, understanding the intricacies of property features and their impact on sale prices is paramount. In this exploration, we’ll dive deep into the Ames Housing dataset, shedding light on the relationships between various features and their correlation with the sale price. Harnessing the power of data visualization, we’ll unveil patterns, […]

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