Search results for "Probability Statistics"

Statistics for Evaluating Machine Learning Models

Statistics for Evaluating Machine Learning Models

Tom Mitchell’s classic 1997 book “Machine Learning” provides a chapter dedicated to statistical methods for evaluating machine learning models. Statistics provides an important set of tools used at each step of a machine learning project. A practitioner cannot effectively evaluate the skill of a machine learning model without using statistical methods. Unfortunately, statistics is an […]

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Statistics Books for Machine Learning

Statistics Books for Machine Learning

Statistical methods are used at each step in an applied machine learning project. This means it is important to have a strong grasp of the fundamentals of the key findings from statistics and a working knowledge of relevant statistical methods. Unfortunately, statistics is not covered in many computer science and software engineering degree programs. Even […]

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crash course in statistics

Crash Course in Statistics for Machine Learning

You do not need to know statistics before you can start learning and applying machine learning. You can start today. Nevertheless, knowing some statistics can be very helpful to understand the language used in machine learning. Knowing some statistics will eventually be required when you want to start making strong claims about your results. In […]

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Skewness Be Gone: Transformative Tricks for Data Scientists

Data transformations enable data scientists to refine, normalize, and standardize raw data into a format ripe for analysis. These transformations are not merely procedural steps; they are essential in mitigating biases, handling skewed distributions, and enhancing the robustness of statistical models. This post will primarily focus on how to address skewed data. By focusing on […]

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Best Free Resources to Learn Data Analysis and Data Science

Sponsored Content     In my decade of teaching online, the most significant inspiration has been that online learning democratizes access to education globally. Regardless of your ethnic background, income level, and geographical location—as long as you can surf the web—you can find an ocean of free educational content to help you learn new skills.  […]

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Leveraging ANOVA and Kruskal-Wallis Tests to Analyze the Impact of the Great Recession on Housing Prices

In the world of real estate, numerous factors influence property prices. The economy, market demand, location, and even the year a property is sold can play significant roles. The years 2007 to 2009 marked a tumultuous time for the US housing market. This period, often referred to as the Great Recession, saw a drastic decline […]

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Testing Assumptions in Real Estate: A Dive into Hypothesis Testing with the Ames Housing Dataset

In the realm of inferential statistics, you often want to test specific hypotheses about our data. Using the Ames Housing dataset, you’ll delve deep into the concept of hypothesis testing and explore if the presence of an air conditioner affects the sale price of a house. Let’s get started. Overview This post unfolds through the […]

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