Search results for "Natural Language Processing Development Programming"

Gentle Introduction to Statistical Language Modeling and Neural Language Models

Gentle Introduction to Statistical Language Modeling and Neural Language Models

Language modeling is central to many important natural language processing tasks. Recently, neural-network-based language models have demonstrated better performance than classical methods both standalone and as part of more challenging natural language processing tasks. In this post, you will discover language modeling for natural language processing. After reading this post, you will know: Why language […]

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The Three Levels of Deep Learning Competence

3 Levels of Deep Learning Competence

Deep learning is not a magic bullet, but the techniques have shown to be highly effective in a large number of very challenging problem domains. This means that there is a ton of demand by businesses for effective deep learning practitioners. The problem is, how can the average business differentiate between good and bad practitioners? […]

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Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting

Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting Predict the Future with MLPs, CNNs and LSTMs in Python …why deep learning? The Promise of Deep Learning for Time Series Forecasting Traditionally, time series forecasting has been dominated by linear methods because they are well understood and effective on many simpler forecasting problems. Deep learning neural networks are […]

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Deep Learning with Python

Deep Learning with Python Tap the Power of TensorFlow and Keras, Develop Your First Model, Achieve state-of-the-Art Results Why Are Deep Learning Models So Powerful? …the secret is “Representation Learning“ Deep learning techniques are so powerful because they learn the best way to represent the problem while learning how to solve the problem. This is […]

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Machine Learning Frustration

Machine Learning for Developers

How Do I Get Started In Machine Learning? I’m a developer. I have read a book or some posts on machine learning. I have watched some of the Coursera machine learning course. I still don’t know how to get started… Does this sound familiar? The most common question I’m asked by developers on my newsletter is: How do […]

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RapidMiner Screenshot

Java Machine Learning

Are you a Java programmer and looking to get started or practice machine learning? Writing programs that make use of machine learning is the best way to learn machine learning. You can write the algorithms yourself from scratch, but you can make a lot more progress if you leverage an existing open source library. In […]

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Machine Learning Mastery

Start Here with Machine Learning

Need Help Getting Started with Applied Machine Learning? These are the Step-by-Step Guides that You’ve Been Looking For! What do you want help with? The most common question I’m asked is: “how do I get started?” My best advice for getting started in machine learning is broken down into a 5-step process: Step 1: Adjust Mindset. […]

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Hello, my name is Jason Brownlee, PhD. I’m a father, husband, professional developer, and machine learning practitioner. I have a Masters and PhD degree in Artificial Intelligence and I’ve worked on machine learning systems for defense, startups, and severe weather forecasting. I started this community for two main reasons: 1) Because I find machine learning […]

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