Search results for "Deep Learning"

Plot of Range of He Weight Initialization With Inputs From One to One Hundred

Weight Initialization for Deep Learning Neural Networks

Weight initialization is an important design choice when developing deep learning neural network models. Historically, weight initialization involved using small random numbers, although over the last decade, more specific heuristics have been developed that use information, such as the type of activation function that is being used and the number of inputs to the node. […]

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Multi-Label Classification with Deep Learning

Multi-Label Classification with Deep Learning

Multi-label classification involves predicting zero or more class labels. Unlike normal classification tasks where class labels are mutually exclusive, multi-label classification requires specialized machine learning algorithms that support predicting multiple mutually non-exclusive classes or “labels.” Deep learning neural networks are an example of an algorithm that natively supports multi-label classification problems. Neural network models for […]

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Deep Learning Models for Multi-Output Regression

Deep Learning Models for Multi-Output Regression

Multi-output regression involves predicting two or more numerical variables. Unlike normal regression where a single value is predicted for each sample, multi-output regression requires specialized machine learning algorithms that support outputting multiple variables for each prediction. Deep learning neural networks are an example of an algorithm that natively supports multi-output regression problems. Neural network models […]

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Learning Curves of Cross-Entropy Loss for a Deep Learning Model

TensorFlow 2 Tutorial: Get Started in Deep Learning with tf.keras

Predictive modeling with deep learning is a skill that modern developers need to know. TensorFlow is the premier open-source deep learning framework developed and maintained by Google. Although using TensorFlow directly can be challenging, the modern tf.keras API brings Keras’s simplicity and ease of use to the TensorFlow project. Using tf.keras allows you to design, […]

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What is Deep Learning?

What is Deep Learning?

A lot is happening in the world of AI at the moment. Some of you may be wondering how machines have the ability to do what they can do. How can they recognise images, understand speech, and even reply to my requests??? Welcome to the world of Deep Learning.  Deep Learning is a subfield of […]

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Photo of a dog at the beach.

How to Develop a Deep Learning Photo Caption Generator from Scratch

Develop a Deep Learning Model to Automatically Describe Photographs in Python with Keras, Step-by-Step. Caption generation is a challenging artificial intelligence problem where a textual description must be generated for a given photograph. It requires both methods from computer vision to understand the content of the image and a language model from the field of […]

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Swim Team Photograph With Bounding Boxes and Facial Keypoints Drawn for Each Detected Face Using MTCNN

How to Perform Face Detection with Deep Learning

Face detection is a computer vision problem that involves finding faces in photos. It is a trivial problem for humans to solve and has been solved reasonably well by classical feature-based techniques, such as the cascade classifier. More recently deep learning methods have achieved state-of-the-art results on standard benchmark face detection datasets. One example is […]

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