Search results for "Data Science"

Swim Team Photograph With Bounding Boxes and Facial Keypoints Drawn for Each Detected Face Using MTCNN

How to Perform Face Detection with Deep Learning

Face detection is a computer vision problem that involves finding faces in photos. It is a trivial problem for humans to solve and has been solved reasonably well by classical feature-based techniques, such as the cascade classifier. More recently deep learning methods have achieved state-of-the-art results on standard benchmark face detection datasets. One example is […]

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Architecture of the Residual Network for Object Photo Classification

Convolutional Neural Network Model Innovations for Image Classification

A Gentle Introduction to the Innovations in LeNet, AlexNet, VGG, Inception, and ResNet Convolutional Neural Networks. Convolutional neural networks are comprised of two very simple elements, namely convolutional layers and pooling layers. Although simple, there are near-infinite ways to arrange these layers for a given computer vision problem. Fortunately, there are both common patterns for […]

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A Gentle Introduction to Hypotheses in Machine Learning

What is a Hypothesis in Machine Learning?

Supervised machine learning is often described as the problem of approximating a target function that maps inputs to outputs. This description is characterized as searching through and evaluating candidate hypothesis from hypothesis spaces. The discussion of hypotheses in machine learning can be confusing for a beginner, especially when “hypothesis” has a distinct, but related meaning […]

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Example of Train and Validation Learning Curves Showing a Training Dataset That May Be too Small Relative to the Validation Dataset

How to use Learning Curves to Diagnose Machine Learning Model Performance

A learning curve is a plot of model learning performance over experience or time. Learning curves are a widely used diagnostic tool in machine learning for algorithms that learn from a training dataset incrementally. The model can be evaluated on the training dataset and on a hold out validation dataset after each update during training […]

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8 Tricks for Configuring Backpropagation to Train Better Neural Networks, Faster

8 Tricks for Configuring Backpropagation to Train Better Neural Networks

Neural network models are trained using stochastic gradient descent and model weights are updated using the backpropagation algorithm. The optimization solved by training a neural network model is very challenging and although these algorithms are widely used because they perform so well in practice, there are no guarantees that they will converge to a good […]

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A Gentle Introduction to the Challenge of Training Deep Learning Neural Network Models

A Gentle Introduction to the Challenge of Training Deep Learning Neural Network Models

Deep learning neural networks learn a mapping function from inputs to outputs. This is achieved by updating the weights of the network in response to the errors the model makes on the training dataset. Updates are made to continually reduce this error until either a good enough model is found or the learning process gets […]

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Visualization of Stacked Generalization Ensemble of Neural Network Models

Stacking Ensemble for Deep Learning Neural Networks in Python

Model averaging is an ensemble technique where multiple sub-models contribute equally to a combined prediction. Model averaging can be improved by weighting the contributions of each sub-model to the combined prediction by the expected performance of the submodel. This can be extended further by training an entirely new model to learn how to best combine […]

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