Search results for "Convolutional Neural Network"

Histograms of each variable in the training data set

1D Convolutional Neural Network Models for Human Activity Recognition

Human activity recognition is the problem of classifying sequences of accelerometer data recorded by specialized harnesses or smart phones into known well-defined movements. Classical approaches to the problem involve hand crafting features from the time series data based on fixed-sized windows and training machine learning models, such as ensembles of decision trees. The difficulty is […]

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How to Develop a Word Embedding Model for Predicting Movie Review Sentiment

Deep Convolutional Neural Network for Sentiment Analysis (Text Classification)

Develop a Deep Learning Model to Automatically Classify Movie Reviews as Positive or Negative in Python with Keras, Step-by-Step. Word embeddings are a technique for representing text where different words with similar meaning have a similar real-valued vector representation. They are a key breakthrough that has led to great performance of neural network models on […]

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Examples from the MNIST dataset

Handwritten Digit Recognition Using Convolutional Neural Networks in Python with Keras

A popular demonstration of the capability of deep learning techniques is object recognition in image data. The “hello world” of object recognition for machine learning and deep learning is the MNIST dataset for handwritten digit recognition. In this post, you will discover how to develop a deep learning model to achieve near state-of-the-art performance on […]

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Crash Course in Convolutional Neural Networks for Machine Learning

Crash Course in Convolutional Neural Networks for Machine Learning

Convolutional neural networks are a powerful artificial neural network technique. These networks preserve the spatial structure of the problem and were developed for object recognition tasks such as handwritten digit recognition. They are popular because people can achieve state-of-the-art results on challenging computer vision and natural language processing tasks. In this post, you will discover […]

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A Gentle Introduction to Convolutional Layers for Deep Learning Neural Networks

How Do Convolutional Layers Work in Deep Learning Neural Networks?

Convolutional layers are the major building blocks used in convolutional neural networks. A convolution is the simple application of a filter to an input that results in an activation. Repeated application of the same filter to an input results in a map of activations called a feature map, indicating the locations and strength of a […]

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Running a Neural Network Model in OpenCV

Many machine learning models have been developed, each with strengths and weaknesses. This catalog is not complete without neural network models. In OpenCV, you can use a neural network model developed using another framework. In this post, you will learn about the workflow of applying a neural network in OpenCV. Specifically, you will learn: What […]

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Very Deep Neural Networks Explained in 40 Seconds

By Vincent Granville, Ph.D., Author at Sponsored Post Very deep neural networks (VDNN) illustrated with data animation: a 40 second video, featuring supervised learning, layers, neurons, fuzzy classification, and convolution filters. It is said that a picture is worth a thousand words. Here instead, I use a video to illustrate the concept of very deep […]

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Calculus in Action: Neural Networks

An artificial neural network is a computational model that approximates a mapping between inputs and outputs.  It is inspired by the structure of the human brain, in that it is similarly composed of a network of interconnected neurons that propagate information upon receiving sets of stimuli from neighbouring neurons. Training a neural network involves a […]

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Plot of Range of He Weight Initialization With Inputs From One to One Hundred

Weight Initialization for Deep Learning Neural Networks

Weight initialization is an important design choice when developing deep learning neural network models. Historically, weight initialization involved using small random numbers, although over the last decade, more specific heuristics have been developed that use information, such as the type of activation function that is being used and the number of inputs to the node. […]

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