
Optimization for Machine Learning Crash Course

Optimization for Machine Learning Crash Course. Find function optima with Python in 7 days. All machine learning models involve optimization. As a practitioner, we optimize for the most suitable hyperparameters or the subset of features. Decision tree algorithm optimize for the split. Neural network optimize for the weight. Most likely, we use computational algorithms to […]

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Calculus in Action: Neural Networks

An artificial neural network is a computational model that approximates a mapping between inputs and outputs.  It is inspired by the structure of the human brain, in that it is similarly composed of a network of interconnected neurons that propagate information upon receiving sets of stimuli from neighbouring neurons. Training a neural network involves a […]

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Muhammad Khubaib Sarfraz

A Gentle Introduction to Taylor Series

A Gentle Introduction to Taylor Series Taylor series expansion is an awesome concept, not only the world of mathematics, but also in optimization theory, function approximation and machine learning. It is widely applied in numerical computations when estimates of a function’s values at different points are required. In this tutorial, you will discover Taylor series […]

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A Gentle Introduction To Approximation

When it comes to machine learning tasks such as classification or regression, approximation techniques play a key role in learning from the data. Many machine learning methods approximate a function or a mapping between the inputs and outputs via a learning algorithm. In this tutorial, you will discover what is approximation and its importance in […]

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